Registration Form

  • tick

    Email Verification

  • tick

    Personal Information

  • tick

    Registration Items

  • tick

    Organization Information

  • tick

    Demographic Information

  • tick

    Additional Demographic Information

  • tick


Registration Form

* All fields are required.

Welcome to the ACEx2025 registration portal. To begin, please enter the attendee's email address, click the Send Verification Code button below and a verification code will be sent to the email address entered (please check spam or junk folders if no code is delivered). Please copy that code and paste in the field provided.

If you are registering for someone else, enter the attendee's email address. Only use the attendee's organization email as this will be used to determine ACE membership status. 

If you have trouble with the email verification process or do not receive a code, please email or use the orange "Support" button found in the lower left of your screen.

NOTE: If you are registering on behalf of someone, enter your information below. You will receive a copy of the confirmation email.

Wifi – Mayflower Hotel

Wifi- Washington Hilton

Hotel Key Cards

Charging Locker

Mobile App

Registration Confirmation Email

Badge Preview

Day of Conference Email

Registration Bag

Elevator Header Exterior Clings- Mayflower Hotel

Elevator Header Exterior Clings- Washington Hilton

Escalator Double-Sided- Mayflower Hotel

Escalator Double-Sided- Washington Hilton

ACE Council of Fellows | Campus Visit

ACE Council of Fellows | Campus Visit

ACE Council of Fellows | Campus Visit

ACE Council of Fellows | Consultations

ACE Council of Fellows | Consultations

ACE Council of Fellows | Consultations

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Future Leaders Circle Fund

Council of Fellows Gathering

Council of Fellows Gathering

Council of Fellows Gathering

Women’s Network Leadership Conference

Women’s Network Leadership Conference

Women’s Network Leadership Conference

Women’s Network Leadership Conference

Women’s Network Leadership Conference

Women’s Dinner

Women’s Dinner

Women’s Dinner

Women’s Dinner

Women’s Dinner

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Women’s Leadership Legacy Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Marlene Ross Institutional Grant Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund

Fellows Legacy Fund



Attendees may donate to one of the funds below. Your donation is optional and tax-deductible.

If you would like to donate to any of these funds in an amount not listed, please visit the Support ACE page on our website.

Donations are non-refundable.

If you select to bring a guest to the Women's Network Leadership Dinner, please click Add Guest Information before proceeding.

Attendee Organization Information

Attendee Demographic Information


Please provide emergency contact information:

All attendees must agree to the following:*

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Refunds will be provided for cancellations, subject to a $250 cancellation fee. Cancellations received after Monday, January 13, 2025 and no-shows are not eligible for refunds. Check refunds will be issued within 30 days of the request.